Start your free Trial

If you want to test drive Asternic CDR Reports PRO, just download the software, follow the installation instructions and fill the "Request Trial" form to get a trial license instantly.

Log into your server and type (you might be prompted for your MySQL root password):

cd /usr/src
tar zxvf asternic-cdr-1.1.9.tgz
cd asternic-cdr-1.1.9

After the installation, point your browser to http://your.server/cdrstats and fill the Request Trial form to activate a 30 days trial instantly. This is how the form looks like after installation on your server:

Our Address

We are located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Our time zone is GMT-3.

Talcahuano 167, 3 'B'
1013, Buenos Aires

USA phone: +1 305 349 3672

Argentina phone: +54 11 4381 2400